Spring is just around the corner and nature is awakening. Outside it is buzzing with new life. That gives energy and inspiration. Time for a roadmap update, because we have a lot of news in store for you.
This article will give you an idea of the projects we are currently working on, with an indication of the release deadlines. Many topics can be found on the community, in the form of a topic, panel discussion or ‘think along with us’ call. We first briefly look back at developments from last year and then take you along in our plans for 2022.
For the current release schedule, we refer you to update.infoland.nl/.
A brief look back
In April 2021, we introduced Zenya 6.0.0, a major release that modernized the end-user interface and made it suitable for use on mobile devices. This was followed by several updates with bug fixes and performance improvements.
In July, Zenya 6.1.0 became available and a number of management components were improved, including the reviewing of documents. The Zenya look & feel was further implemented. Later we introduced the renewed Vilans link (Care customers) and we improved the search engine.
In August, the renewed Community Ideas page was launched, where countless improvement ideas have since been shared which have now led to dozens of valuable product optimizations!
In the autumn of 2021 we started with the further development of Zenya FLOW. This was later than originally planned, because we had to give priority to necessary improvements for the quality, stability and performance of Zenya. We have combined this with quite a few optimizations, including Community Ideas.
In December Zenya 6.2.0 became available, a release with numerous continued developments such as cloud services (Webshare), Document management, SCIM user management, Notifications, Portals, Risk management and Tasks & Messages. Zenya also became available in Portuguese and the icon set was expanded.
Since the autumn of 2021, we have been posting a monthly development review, in which we provide an update of the developments and Community ideas that we have been working on in the past period (see Updates & releases).
Roadmap themes 2022
In 2021 we collected a large number of potential Roadmap themes that resonated in our conversations with customers, within community topics and panel discussions or that emerged from our own ambitions and vision. We have researched, weighed and prioritized these themes. This has resulted in two main themes for the roadmap for 2022 and a number of research and innovation projects. Below we give an overview of the most important topics.
Outside of these topics, we are continuously working on smaller optimizations based on the Community ideas. There are also a number of other research and innovation projects that we will communicate about as soon as possible.

Zenya FLOW
In this project, we strengthen the basis of Zenya FLOW, so that the submission and handling of reports becomes easier. This starts with modernizing and making the forms responsive (see topic Renewed forms). But we also want it to be more intuitive and smarter. Think, for example, of more possibilities to use media in forms, an easier way to choose your department and a new screen on which handlers immediately see what has happened and what is expected of them (see topic Guidance). We take into account as much feedback as possible from the Community and previous panel discussions.
The first release will mainly focus on the reporter. This release is expected to be available in June. In a subsequent release, the focus will be more on the handler. Through the Community and our product updates we will keep you informed of the developments.
Update june 3th 2022: Contrary to our previous expectations, the Zenya 6.3.0 release cannot be aborted before the school holidays. Because it is not responsible to release a major release during the summer period, it will be postponed until after the summer (expected to be September).
Zenya RISK
Risk management is the next big roadmap theme in 2022. With Zenya RISK we want to offer a robust and widely deployable risk management solution, with which organizations - large and small - can quickly and easily manage all their risks. Zenya RISK already offers many possibilities in this, but is not yet at the level at which we want to be able to support organizations. That is why we are going to put a lot of effort in further developing this the module.
We will make it easier to manage large numbers of risks, controls and assets and strengthen their mutual relationships. The relationships to other Zenya parts are also improved. We will ensure that strategic and operational risks can be more easily tracked and managed, and that every risk owner in the organization can immediately start working with them. Better dashboarding and new overviews should ensure that you get a much faster insight into how you are doing and where you should focus your attention on. The terminology within Zenya RISK will be improved, as well as the process of control testing and reviewing.
Numerous internal and external discussions have led to an extensive set of requirements, which we can continue to develop in the coming years. In 2022, we will take the first big steps. The first focus will be on strengthening Zenya RISK for operational risk management. Later, we will tackle strategic risk management.
We are currently working out a global design that will be tested internally and externally. We put together a balanced customer panel for this. In Q2 we will work out a detailed design with sub-projects, and we will start the realization of them. We aim to release a first release before the end of 2022.
Update September 1st, 2022: The global design for RISK has been shared with 15 customers from the customer panel before the summer. Based on the feedback we have collected, our requirements have been refined and the design has been further developed. We recently started a Community group (Dutch) in which we ask functional questions to the customer panel. If you want to actively participate in this, you can register in the group. Due to the size of the further development, our planning for the RISK release has been postponed to 2023. We will keep you informed via Community Updates & releases.
Zenya & MS Teams/Office 365
We are currently investigating how we can better integrate Zenya with Office 365 and which integrations with Microsoft Teams make sense. There are already topics on the community about this, on which we received good responses (see topics MS Planner and MS Teams). In the meantime, a kick-off meeting has taken place and we have started the collaboration with the Innovation Lab of the Fontys Hogeschool ICT. We expect to be able to draw the first conclusions by the summer.
Zenya Anonymize & Keyword Extraction
We are currently investigating how we can we can anonymize and extract information from cases in a new way, so that we can get more value out of it for reporters and handlers. A select number of customers are involved to help us realize a representative test set-up. We expect to be able to draw the first conclusions from this in the coming months.
Zenya Interactive Documents
The interactive documents are increasingly used by customers. They experience it as a valuable addition to classic document management, with which information can be brought to users in an attractive and interactive way. We think we can further increase the value and distinctiveness of this functionality. The Community already gives a lot of input for this (see also this Community group). In the coming months, we will investigate which improvements are desirable to include on the backlog for product optimizations.
Zenya Portal
With the transition from iProva to Zenya, the front end has been modernized and provided with the Zenya branding We have kept the layout of the portal largely unchanged, to limit the impact for organizations. We are happy to see that in general the transition to Zenya has been going smoothly.
We now see that more and more customers who have transitioned are asking for more possibilities to customize the portal to the preferences of the organization or individual users. We take these signals seriously and are open to improvement. That is why this year we will conduct a study into how the portal is now experienced, what could be done differently and how we can improve this smartly and within our product vision. We expect to have more clarity on this after the summer.
New updates on the roadmap will be posted on the Community Updates & releases. If you have any questions about comments about our roadmap, please post your comment here or send your message to m.v.abeelen@infoland.nl.